Philippe Favier
(France)[1957] Saint-Etienne
Céreboscopie, b/w cliché verre, 2003-2004 www.artnet.de
Gertrude Fehr
(Germany)[1895–1996] b. Mainz, d. Clarens (CH)
b/w shadowgraphs from the 1930's, e.g. form plant seeds or a turning fork fss.e-pics.ethz.ch
"Komposition", positive/negative combination of b/w seeds put in the enlarger and probably Lissajou figure luminogram, 1933-39 www.elysee.ch
Hans-Peter Feldmann
Shadow play, light installation, 2002 www.youtube.com
Anne Ferran
(Australia)[1949] Sydney
b/w shadowgraph of dresses, 2015 www.stillsgallery.com.au
b/w and colour shadowgraphs of dresses and underwear, 1998-2003, www.suttongallery.com.au
Lois Field
Peace National Independence Democratic Education, b/w cliché papier, 1949 www.iphotocentral.com
untitled, b/w shadowgraph of glass objects, 1948 www.artnet.com
b/w shadowgraphs and "Solargraph" called luminogram,1949 www.mutualart.com
Thorsten Fleisch
(Germany)[1972] b. Koblenz, l. Berlin
Kosmos [2004], 16mm, 5:11 minutes, experimental film with crystall growing directly on the film stock www.fleischfilm.com
Michael Flomen
(Canada)[1952] Montreal
b/w firefly, snow and rain drop shadowgraphs(postive and negative), 2000-2008 www.michaelflomen.com
Wild Nights, gallery exhibition from 2014, with b/w and colour outdoor shadowgraphs www.boitenoiregallery.com
various fire fly works in b/w and colour, 2011-2015 www.hillgallery.com
La nuit est ma chambre noire, docu video showing M. F. working open air at night, UMA Montreal 2009, 2:30 min. www.youtube.com
review by James D. Campbell with water and snow b/w shadowgraphs, 2004-05 cielvariable.ca
Antoine Hercule Romuald Florence
(France)[1804–1879] b. Nice, Campinas SP (Brazil)
contact print of pharmacy labels, 1833 (one of the earliest photographic prints), review by Fábio Tito g1.globo.com
early contact copies on sensitized paper, ca. 1832/1839, review by Marianna Rezende creators.vice.com
Doug Fogelson
(USA)[1970] b. Chicago, l. Chicago
various shadowgraph series 2010-today, working among others with multi exposures on colour paper dougfogelson.com
Joan Fontcuberta
(Spain)[1955] Barcelona
Fontcubertas Site provides numerous shadowgraph related works as the palimsests from the 1990's www.fontcuberta.com
Iris Puff (de la serie "Palimpsestos", Fotograma sobre cartonaje comercial 47 x 36 cm, 1991 www.el-mundo.es
"Na Nascita de Venus" (1992), palimsest with b/w shadowgraph on a Botticelli poster print, review by Amelia Castilla cultura.elpais.com
Günther Förg
(Germany)[1952–2013] b. Füssen, d. Freiburg i. Brsg.
b/w photogram of F. in exhibition catalogue on page 17, 1999 www.kulturhaus-osterfeld.de
Henri Foucault
(France)[1954] b. Versailles, l. Alfortville
"Satori", large work for the Biennale 2005, 432 bw body photograms (16,4 by 4 m) agesperso-orange.fr
Edmund Edward Fournier d'Albe
(Ireland)[1868–1933] b. London, d. St. Albans
“Shadowgraph of Ectoplasm from the Irish Goligher Circle”, reconstruction of spirit photograph, 13 June 1921 yperallergic.com
Rosalind Franklin
(UK)[1920–1958] London
the world famous x-ray that established DNA as a helix, x-ray disfraction, 1951/52 genome.jgi-psf.org
Sodium deoxyribose nucleate from calf thymus, Structure B, Photo 51, taken by Rosalind E. Franklin and R.G. Gosling. With annotation Linus Pauling. May 2, 1952 carc.library.oregonstate.edu
Anatomy of "photo 51" by Lexi Crock www.pbs.org
David Fried
(USA)[1962] b. New York, l. Düsseldorf
In bed with Lucy and Dolly, enlarged and coloure filtered soap bubble shadowgraphs,2001-2003 www.contemporary-art.com
"In bed with Lucy and Dolly", soap bubble photograms,2003 www.davidfried.com
In bed with Lucy and Dolly, soap bubble photograms on c-negative film www.saratecchia.com
Adam Fuss
(UK)[1961] b. London, l. NY
large stock of ilfochrome shadowgraphs from 1998 till today www.cheimread.com
Mary, organic chemigram,1996 www.carleton.edu
various b/w shadowgraphs of water circles and fog, Daguerreotype shadowgraphs of butterflies (2012) www.xavierhufkens.com
several shadwographs of different periods, 1996-today, including a recent self-portrait (2015) fraenkelgallery.com
works in the MET collection comprising early b/w water splash pieces going back to 1988 www.metmuseum.org